Saturday, November 21, 2009

getting you current...

hmmm....let's see...let's get you up to speed shall we...

A is in school and LOVES it! Her teacher is absolutely amazing and she loves her so much. She's doing really well and has made crazy ridiculous strides in reading and math. It's amazing how much they can jam in that little head of theirs.

We've been busy with our crazy schedule of activities. I swear it never ends and yes, as of right now we are overextended...well, i should say that I am overextended. A loves the busy pace unlike her mama. We've got dance, gymnastics and soccer...though the soccer season ends Monday...whew. Gymnastics is by far her favorite. She had her first "meet" not too long ago and even though she was nervous she totally rocked it! I was so the super proud overly beaming mom.

Hmmm, well, honestly that's about it...all we have time for really. We've been doing a few school activities...birthday parties, math and science night, field trips, etc. It's been a blast meeting all of the kids and parents in her class. It's neat to think these are the same people we will be spending the next 6 years with.

and no post would be complete without some Ashlyn funnies....
drum roll please....

So A starts talking about Ryan and I and how we got married. We talk about it and then she says "Well, I think I may still marry Noah (a little boy from her PreK class last year)." I said "Well, you still have a long long time to think about it." She said "Well yeah, BUT if i marry Noah he said he wants to have 10 babies."...."But Mom, he's just going to have to understand that I want to work so he may just have to settle for 1." LOL Then she proceeds to tell me her future career plans..."I think I'm going to be a vegetarian (she means veterenarian) and I will own my own pet hospital. That way I can have a baby and take it to work with me. I'll just keep it in a room and close the door" LOL I told her she may want to think about hiring someone to keep an eye on the room....we wouldn't want the baby sneaking out or anything....

Day before yesterday A tells me that some older kids were being mean to her and some friends on the playground. They were saying that Kinders are LAME. She tells me "Mom, they kept saying it...that we were lame. So I told them that I would beat them up if they didn't stop. And not only would I beat them up...but that I would scream in their face AND I would get baby Madison (her cousin) and let her scream in their faces...and Mom...nobody likes a baby screaming in their face!"