Thursday, March 04, 2010

moving to the desert?

for the past few years we've watched A constantly struggle to function when her allergies hit's not just a mild runny's not just an itchy's eyes matted shut, can hardly breathe, constant stream of runny, eczema ridden our doctor decided, since we were going nowhere with medications, to have her see an allergist so we could have testing done...yesterday was the big day...both R and A went in...since R had been having problems since his previous medication had been discontinued...both got to experience the joy that is allergy testing (sarcasm at its finest right there)...our allergist was really awesome...GREAT with A....(his receptionist probably could have learned a thing or 2 from him)...anyway, both A and R made it through the testing...A with lots of crying and itching and R...well, he didn't cry or itch...results came back and for the most part they were identical (way to go dad for passing down THOSE genes)...only trees and grass....though A was off the charts on grass...(which kind of makes me laugh ONLY because when she was a baby she HATED i guess i know A was a trooper despite the crying...she gave dad a big "thanks" for passing down his allergies and wished she could be more like mommy who doesn't have them at all...i guess now that we know we'll be moving on to treatment for the both of them...keeping my fingers crossed that it helps!!!

on a side note A got weighed and measured....46 inches tall and 46 pounds...i thought it was kind of cute that she is 1 pound for every inch tall that she is...